Stocks to buy

E-commerce stocks are hot right now. As the internet has grown and matured, e-commerce companies have reached the point that many have made traditional retailers obsolete. While traditional retailers suffered financial hardship during the pandemic as their stores operated at reduced capacity, e-commerce companies thrived. Today, the global e-commerce market is estimated at more than
Everyone loves a winner, and that holds true for Wall Street. When you’ve got winning stocks in your portfolio, you’re getting richer and setting yourself up for a nice retirement. But as you know, the stock market is a game of dips and valleys. While many investors embrace a buy-and-hold philosophy, others are looking to
While most financial advisors may direct you to blue-chip stocks to buy now, the problem with this well-meaning concept is that everybody else also has the same idea. Because of their massive footprint, these high-profile companies feature transparent, predictable businesses. However, the other side of this relationship centers on a decided lack of upside potential.
For those seeking some of the strongest and most surprising results, the best under-the-radar stocks to buy in 2023 may provide just that. While there’s nothing wrong with targeting companies that everybody else likes, the enterprises that enjoy mass support tend to feature some elements of reliability or predictability. Thus, in the end, the net
Standing among the most compelling opportunities, biotech stocks to buy and hold also present high risks. Unlike other sectors, companies can’t just introduce health-related products directly to the market. Instead, they must undergo intensive clinical tests to ensure broader public safety. During these processes, plenty of things can go wrong, thus introducing volatility to the
In discussing healthcare tech stocks, it pays to understand what healthcare technology is broadly. Healthcare technology, also known as HealthTech, refers to any technology developed to improve the healthcare system. It encompasses everything from robotic-assisted surgery to telemedicine and Software. Notably, these technologies have been shown to reduce costs across the healthcare system. Indeed, most
There were two major reasons for a deep correction in growth stocks in 2022. First, the Fed pursued aggressive contractionary policies and as liquidity dried up on a relative basis, high-beta stocks corrected. Furthermore, earnings revision on the downside in a post-pandemic era impacted several high-flying growth stocks. I believe that 2023 is a period
Investors interested in battery stocks can look at this sector from multiple angles. Some companies manufacture batteries that power the current generation of EVs, future technology innovators, OEMs, commodity producers, traders, etc. Though, others focus on lithium batteries, solid-state battery innovations, and other key growth areas of this market. These are the kinds of battery stocks
Education is quickly changing with the times. Traditional classroom methods aren’t as popular as they once were, simply because technology opens new possibilities. EdTech stocks combine computer technology and current educational practices, shifting the traditional learning paradigm we take for granted. In theory, EdTech stocks provide more-accessible and affordable education to all. Such a pursuit