It’s not every day that you can see the world changing around you, but 5G technology is one of the innovations that has wide-ranging implications on everyday living. That’s why it’s important to be looking for the best 5G stocks to buy. The fifth-generation mobile network delivers higher multi-gigabit peak data speeds and improved reliability
It’s imperative to understand that not all of the best long-term stocks are typically high risk, high reward. They require investors to believe in their long-term potential to gain traction and cement their positioning in their respective sectors. The reward for long-term stocks tends to be quite high. However, there’s no certainty that the thesis
In an effort to be transparent and prevent conflicts of interest, the Ethics in Government Act requires many elected officials to file an annual financial disclosure statement that reveals their assets, investments, and businesses interests. Senators are one of the groups of people who must make this disclosure. Their statements are made available to the public and
Fabless chip makers are companies that produce semiconductors for use in various types of electronics, such as digital cameras, smartphones, and the new technologically sophisticated “smart” cars. The term “fabless” means that the company designs and sells the hardware and semiconductor chips but does not manufacture the silicon wafers, or chips, used in its products;
Despite their infamous reputation and presumed involvement in the financial crisis of 2007-2008, there are several different arguments in favor of allowing market participants to trade and own mortgage-backed securities (MBS). At its basic level, an MBS is any investment solution that uses commercial or residential mortgage or a pool of mortgages as the underlying
The utilities sector encompasses all companies whose core business involves producing, generating, or distributing basic utilities: gas, electricity, and water. The average debt-to-equity ratio, or D/E ratio, for the utilities sector in the second quarter of 2022 was 0.12. In the fourth quarter of 2018, it reached .15, which was enough for Moody’s Investors Service
The U.K. is the highest net exporter of financial services and London, with its convenient time zone, use of English and feather-light regulations, is the world’s financial capital. Various cities, including Venice and Amsterdam, have held and lost the title throughout history.  Brexit and the possible loss of passporting rights of firms in Britain have
Your credit report provides a snapshot for prospective lenders, landlords, and employers of how you handle credit. For any mortgage, car loan, personal loan, or credit card you have had, your credit report lists such details as the creditor’s name, your payment history, account balance, and, in the case of credit cards and other revolving
On today’s show, Preston and Stig talk to former billion dollar hedge fund manager, Jesse Felder. Jesse provides valuable insights into the market expectations for 2019. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: – Why Warren Buffett’s valuation metric for the stock market forecasts around a 0% return over the next 10 years – Why Warren Buffett
Many people don’t understand that you can actually sell option contracts without having the stock, or without owning the other option side of the trade. Selling options is more popular among professionals than buying option contracts. That is because when you sell option contracts, you can allow the time decay to work in your favor.
The substantial divorce rate in America—50% of marriages end in divorce—has engineered the creation of various types of spousal support through which one ex-spouse is required to pay the other. In most cases, the higher-earning spouse is required to pay the lower earner a certain amount, although there are exceptions to this. The tax rules
There’s a saying in investing, attributed to Warren Buffett, that you don’t see who’s swimming naked until the tide goes out.  Essentially, this means that poorly run and troubled companies are most exposed during market downturns. This is certainly proving to be the case this year. With all the major U.S. indices now in bear
What Is Supply-Side Economics? Supply-side economics is better known to some as “Reaganomics,” or the “trickle-down” policy espoused by 40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan. President Reagan and his Republican contemporaries popularized the controversial idea that greater tax cuts for wealthy investors and entrepreneurs provide them with incentives to save and invest, and produce economic benefits